
The Incredible Tour

Story by Sergey Nosov and Matthias Nolte

Day 05 – Broken Hill to Tibooburra

Broken Hill is a place you could spend a lot of time in and never run out of things to do or places to visit.

First thing in the morning we headed to the Pro Hart Gallery, one of the largest private art collections in Australia.

Pro Hart Royce

The gallery houses works by over a hundred artists, including Monet, Picasso, Mark Chagall, and of course Pro Hart himself whose highly individualistic watercolours and oil paintings of Australia, its people, and essence are compelling to behold. Pro Hart does not limit himself to traditional canvas; where else you can find a 1971 Rolls Royce covered with intricate artwork? Besides paintings, the gallery houses collections of sculptures, baby rattles, baccarat paperweights, Chinese Ming pottery, old silver and perfume bottles, some furniture pieces. A large room with oils, some two hundred sketches, and memorabilia is dedicated to Sir William Dobell, one of the Australia greatest painters and portraitists.

Pro Hart is also a sculptor, and works with etchings and silk screens as well. His children are talented artists with some of their work represented in the gallery. Visit the Pro Hart gallery on Wyman Street near Nine Mile Road or online at www.prohart.com.au

Boris Hlavica's Cameras

For our second stop of the day, we take a short drive to talk with Boris Hlavica, the host of the Images of Australia gallery. From old cibachromes to new digital prints Boris’ pictures blossom with ethereal impressions and bring out the beauty in the harsh Australian outback. Visit the gallery at 145 Sulphide Street.

The morning’s cultural experience made us very hungry, fortunately there is no shortage of places to get some chow on Argent Street, which we did before getting on the road again.

The mercury was hitting 100 degrees in the shade, so we stopped for ice cream for a break at the Packsaddle Roadhouse and talked with a chatty barmaid there. After another 180 km of dust and dirt we arrived in Tibooburra – the gates of the Corner Country (named so, because it’s the far north west corner of the New South Wales bounded by the Queensland and South Australian borders) – late in the afternoon.

Corrugated Iron

Tonight we camp at Sturt National Park. Covering over 340,000 hectares of semi-desert environment it’s one of the largest Australian national parks. After dinner of marinated lamb prepared on one of the Olive Downs Campground free gas barbecues, we crawled into our swags for the night, under bright stars and an even brighter almost full moon.


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